Holy Week Conversations

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Wednesday 8 April
Facets of Holy Week with Alexandra Banks
5.00pm livestream at 
facebook.com/frchrisbedding (or view it any time after)
Alexandra Banks is an artist who created a series of faceted glass windows for Holy Apostles Church in Woy Woy NSW. Her research explores the relationship between art and trauma in a religious context. Hear her in conversation about her artistic process, and the impact of art on people who have experienced trauma. 


Thursday 9 April
A Missing Sacrament: Footwashing in Early Christianity
with Professor Andrew McGowan
5.00pm livestream at 
facebook.com/frchrisbedding (or view it any time after)
The Very Reverend Professor Andrew McGowan is Dean of Berkeley Divinity School at Yale. An historian, his particular interest is in the early church. In this conversation, he will explore the important role of foot washing in the early centuries of Christianity, and the role of widows in this 'missing sacrament'


Friday 10 April
Good Friday, Sacrifice and Scapegoats with Professor Scott Cowdell
5.00pm livestream at 
facebook.com/frchrisbedding (or view it any time after)
The Reverend Canon Professor Scott Cowdell is Professor of Public and Contextual Theology at Charles Sturt University. His particular research expertise is on Rene Girard and mimetic theory. In this conversation, he will explore insights into sacrifice and scapegoating in the light of the appointed readings for Good Friday.


Saturday 11 April
'Charlie's Country' with The Reverend Katherine Rainger
3.00pm livestream at facebook.com/frchrisbedding (or view it any time after)
If you can, please watch Charlie's Country on SBS on Demand. It is free to view at this link, or via SBS on Demand on your smart TV. Starring David Gulpilil, it chronicles the story of Charlie who, displeased with the intervention of whitefella laws, takes off to live the old way and sets off a chain reaction of enlightening difficulties.

Katherine Rainger has recently completed a Ph.D in the intersection of theology and Australian film. Currently serving as Chaplain to Radford College in Canberra, Katherine has a long history of commitment to justice for First Nations people.