We gather every Sunday at 9.00am at St Cuthbert’s church in Darlington…

When you arrive…

When you arrive, you are welcome to park in the carpark adjoining the church. From the carpark, walk towards the stone church building where you will be greeted at the door by a host. They will give you a booklet which outlines the service and a hymn book which contains the music we will be singing. You can sit anywhere you like, and before the service the Presider will brief you on what is going to happen. You don’t have to wear anything special to come to church - some people like to ‘dress up’ and many others wear casual clothes. If you are visiting for the first time, you are not expected to give money to the collection. As you become more regular, you may wish to become a planned giver or give on a regular basis. The church service will run for about an hour, and you are welcome to use the toilets in the adjoining parish centre before it begins (or during!).

What sort of church service?

If it has been a while since you’ve been to church, or you’ve never been, you may be wondering about the flavour of our Sunday service. In some ways, we might be considered ‘traditional’. We use the form of service in A Prayer Book for Australia, the priest wears robes, we sing hymns and there are candles on the altar. However we are also progressive. We seek to affirm and welcome all people, regardless of culture, language, financial position, visa status, gender identity, sexual identity, religion, race, ability or mental health. We gather at God’s table, and all are welcome.

the first part of the service…

The first part of the service is for hearing scripture readings and a sermon. The sermon will seek to understand the scriptures in their historical context and apply them to our contemporary life. We talk about and work for justice, peace and reconciliation.

The Second Part of the Service

After shared prayer, we then share in Holy Communion. This is when we share in bread and wine together in memory of Jesus’ death and resurrection, and to look forward to the coming Kingdom of God. Any baptised person is welcome to receive holy communion, even if it has been many years since the last time, or if you haven’t been part of the Anglican Church before. If you would like to know more about receiving Holy Communion, you can talk to the Rector. At St Cuthbert’s, we receive communion by coming to the front of the church and standing to receive first the bread, then the wine by dipping into a small cup or drinking from the larger common cup. Please don’t feel concerned if this is your first time, the people around you will help show you the way.

After The Service

After about an hour inside the church building, we leave and most people make their way next door to the Parish Centre for morning tea. On the way out, our custom is to say hello to the priest, but you don’t have to. You are very welcome to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and some light refreshments . But you’re also welcome to head off if you need some time for yourself.


Children are welcomed and included every Sunday. On the third Sunday of each month, children take leadership roles in the liturgy such as reading, serving, hosting and music. On other Sundays, there is a separate program for children in our beautifully equipped Godly Play room.

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