Notice of Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of Parishioners will be on Sunday 12 June 2022 at the conclusion of the 9.00am Eucharist at St Cuthbert's Church, corner Darlington and Hillsden Roads, Darlington WA. The Annual Meeting is governed by the Parish Governance Statute 2016 .
The meeting will:
1. receive the financial and other reports for the year ending 30 April 2022 including the draft budget.
2. elect and/or appoint
Primarily, Wardens are responsible for the physical property of the Worshipping Community. In our case, this includes the Church building, Parish Centre, lych gate, Rectory and grounds.
Church Councillors
Church Council is the administrative body of the Worshipping Community. It consists of the Wardens, plus 4, 8 or 12 members. The Annual Meeting elects three-quarters of the Councillors, and the Rector may appoint one quarter. Each Councillor takes on a portfolio of responsibility such as Archives, Communications, Finance, Communications, Risk Management, Secretary and so on.
Synod Representatives
The Rector and two lay members of the parish attend Synod, which is like the annual ‘parliament’ of the church. Synod makes decisions about legislation and policy and scrutinises the activities of Diocesan bodies. The Annual Meeting elects two Representatives.
Nominators of Clergy
If the position of Rector falls vacant, the four Nominators (one of whom is a Warden) work with four Diocesan Nominators, the Archdeacon and the Area Bishop. They undertake a search and recommend a suitable person for the Archbishop to appoint.
An auditor
3. general business
Only Enrolled Members are eligible to vote and stand for election. If you are not an enrolled member, you can complete an Application for Enrolment on the Electoral Roll form before the meeting. Forms are available on the Annual Meeting table in the Parish Centre or here
Nomination Forms are available on the Annual Meeting table in the Parish Centre or here for Warden, Councillor and nominators or here for Synod rep. Nominations close at midnight Sunday 5th June, interested people can submit a nomination form by placing it in the ‘nomination box’ in the Parish Centre or handed directly to the Convenor the Reverend Canon Theresa Harvey.
Items of business for consideration at the meeting must be submitted in writing to the Reverend Canon Theresa Harvey before midnight on the 29th May.
The Annual Report will be emailed to the people on the parish mailing list in the week prior to the Annual Meeting. A hard copy will be available to people at the Annual Meeting.
Annual Report 2022