The People of the Parish of Darlington-Bellevue
invite you to the Commissioning of
The Reverend Peregrin Campbell-Osgood
as Priest-in-Charge by
The Most Reverend Kay Goldsworthy
Archbishop of Perth
Tuesday 21 January 2025 at 7.00pm
Service to be held at
St Cuthbert’s Anglican Church
Cnr Darlington Rd &, Hillsden Rd, Darlington
Christmas Services 2024
Midnight Mass
Christmas Eve 11.30pm
Holly Communion with Carols
Christmas Day 9.00am
Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
With choir and organ, featuring well known Christmas carols and choral items, accompanied by organ, interspersed with nine ‘lessons’ from holy scripture, followed by a delicious supper. Don’t miss it!
Fantasy of Flowers
Come and enjoy the tranquility of St Cuthbert’s Church then check out the plant and book sale. Please bring cash.
St Cuthbert's Pilgrimage Walk in Darlington - all welcome
If you want to join a guided walk for 2-5 hours starting an finishing at St Cuthbert’s meet at 9.45am for a 10am start on Sat 5 Oct.. People who are self-guided can do the walk anytime with our map. There will be a couple of drive options to contemplations spots with no walking. If you would like more information email info@hillsanglicans.com
Please refer to the attached flyer for further information.
St Cuthbert's Community Garden Party - everyone is welcome
Saturday 14th September 2-4pm
All welcome
Celebration of the laying of the Church Foundation Stone which was the beginning of the Church becoming part of the Darlington community.
Annual Meeting
Worshipping Community of Darlington- Bellevue 2024 Annual Meeting of Enrolled Members
Notice of Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of Parishioners will be held in the Parish Centre on Sunday 9 June 2024 at 10am following the Eucharist at St Cuthbert's Church, corner Darlington and Hillsden Roads, Darlington WA. The Annual Meeting is governed by the Parish Governance Statute 2016 .
The meeting will:
1. receive the financial and other reports for the year ending 30 April 2024 including the draft budget.
2. elect and/or appoint
Primarily, Wardens are responsible for the physical property of the Worshipping Community. In our case, this includes the Church building, Parish Centre, lych gate, Rectory and grounds.
Church Councillors
Church Council is the administrative body of the Worshipping Community. It consists of the Wardens, plus 4, 8 or 12 members. The Annual Meeting elects three-quarters of the Councillors, and the Rector may appoint one quarter. Each Councillor takes on a portfolio of responsibility such as Archives, Communications, Finance, Communications, Risk Management, Secretary and so on.
Nominators of Clergy
If the position of Rector falls vacant, the four Nominators (one of whom is a Warden) work with four Diocesan Nominators, the Archdeacon and the Area Bishop. They undertake a search and recommend a suitable person for the Archbishop to appoint.
An auditor
3. general business – enrolled members may submit to the Reverend Julie Baker items for consideration by the Annual Meeting before noon on the 25 May.
Enrolled Members
Only Enrolled Members are eligible to vote and stand for election. If you are not an enrolled member, you can complete an Application for Enrolment on the Electoral Roll form before the meeting. Forms are available on the Annual Meeting table in the Parish Centre or here
Nomination Forms are available on the Annual Meeting table in the Parish Centre or here. . Nominations close at midday Sunday 2 June, interested people can submit a nomination form by placing it in the ‘nomination box’ in the Parish Centre or handed directly to the Convenor the Reverend Julie Baker
General Business
Items of business for consideration at the meeting must be submitted in writing to the Reverend Julie Baker before noon on the 25 May.
Annual Report
Groups need to submit their Annual Report to the Reverend Julie Baker by the 12 May for inclusion in the Annual Report. The Annual Report will be emailed to the people on the parish mailing list during the week prior to the Annual Meeting.
Holy Week and Easter Services
Please make a note of the service times for Holy Week and Easter, we would love you to join us.
Worship in the Style of Taizé
Join with a small group for chant, silence, meditation and reflection.
Lent Study - Holy Week, Day by Day
Join us for a Lent discussion as we follow the events of Holy Week.
No booking required, just come along. The study is being offered on Wednesdays using the same content from the previous Friday at 12:30pm for the six weeks of lent beginning on 1st March.
For more information, please contact Rev’d Julie at rector@hillsanglicans.com
Lent Study - Holy Week, Day by Day
Join us for a Lent discussion as we follow the events of Holy Week.
No booking required, just come along. The study is being offered on Fridays at 12:30pm and the same content the following Wednesday for the six weeks of lent beginning on 24th February.
For more information, please contact Rev’d Julie at rector@hillsanglicans.com
Shrove Tuesday
All are welcome to join us for pancake making and eating on Shrove Tuesday.
We begin the cooking process at 4pm and should be ready to eat around 4:30pm, come for the whole time or just in time for a pancake tea. Lots of decadent toppings on offer as we use them up before Lent begins.
Please let us know you are coming for catering purposes at info@hillsanglicans.com or by writing your name on the list at the back of church.
Parish Dinner
Our Annual Parish Dinner is fast approaching, please let us know if you are able to come. We look forward to seeing you there!
RSVP to info@hillsanglicans.com or write your name on the list at the back of church.
Mainly Music
Term 1 of 2023 begins on Tuesday 14th February at 9:30am.
Pre-schoolers and their carers are warmly welcomed to join us for songs, stories, playtime, morning tea and lots of fun! No booking required and pay as you go structure with the first session free. $5 per child with discounts for 2 or more children in a family.
For more information, please contact us at info@hillsanglicans.com or just come along and see!
9 Lessons and Carols
Please join us to celebrate Christmas through scripture and song - All Welcome
Blessing of the Animals
Please join us with your furry, feathered or scaly friends for a special service of blessing of the animals
The parishioners of St Cuthbert's were thrilled when Archbishop Kay confirmed that The Venerable Julie Baker, Archdeacon of Bunbury Cathedral, had accepted the position of Rector of the Parish of Darlington-Bellevue. It has been postulated that it could be the shortest interregnum in the history of the Perth Diocese! The wardens and nominators are very confident that parishioners and the wider community will appreciate qualities in Julie that are important to our congregation: an engaging personality, an impressive range of administrative experience, a sharp intellect and an excellent sense of humour.
We hope that you will welcome Julie and her family by joining with us, community leaders and visiting clergy at St Cuthbert's for the commissioning service by Bishop Kate Wilmot at 7pm on Thursday 28 July. The Choir of St Cuthbert’s will sing a Communion Anthem at the service.
Of course, there will be a delicious supper and champagne afterwards.
Bridges to Peace
Everyone is welcome to join us for the Interfaith gathering. Please click here for more information.
Annual Meeting of Parishioners
Notice of Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of Parishioners will be on Sunday 12 June 2022 at the conclusion of the 9.00am Eucharist at St Cuthbert's Church, corner Darlington and Hillsden Roads, Darlington WA. The Annual Meeting is governed by the Parish Governance Statute 2016 .
The meeting will:
1. receive the financial and other reports for the year ending 30 April 2022 including the draft budget.
2. elect and/or appoint
Primarily, Wardens are responsible for the physical property of the Worshipping Community. In our case, this includes the Church building, Parish Centre, lych gate, Rectory and grounds.
Church Councillors
Church Council is the administrative body of the Worshipping Community. It consists of the Wardens, plus 4, 8 or 12 members. The Annual Meeting elects three-quarters of the Councillors, and the Rector may appoint one quarter. Each Councillor takes on a portfolio of responsibility such as Archives, Communications, Finance, Communications, Risk Management, Secretary and so on.
Synod Representatives
The Rector and two lay members of the parish attend Synod, which is like the annual ‘parliament’ of the church. Synod makes decisions about legislation and policy and scrutinises the activities of Diocesan bodies. The Annual Meeting elects two Representatives.
Nominators of Clergy
If the position of Rector falls vacant, the four Nominators (one of whom is a Warden) work with four Diocesan Nominators, the Archdeacon and the Area Bishop. They undertake a search and recommend a suitable person for the Archbishop to appoint.
An auditor
3. general business
Only Enrolled Members are eligible to vote and stand for election. If you are not an enrolled member, you can complete an Application for Enrolment on the Electoral Roll form before the meeting. Forms are available on the Annual Meeting table in the Parish Centre or here
Nomination Forms are available on the Annual Meeting table in the Parish Centre or here for Warden, Councillor and nominators or here for Synod rep. Nominations close at midnight Sunday 5th June, interested people can submit a nomination form by placing it in the ‘nomination box’ in the Parish Centre or handed directly to the Convenor the Reverend Canon Theresa Harvey.
Items of business for consideration at the meeting must be submitted in writing to the Reverend Canon Theresa Harvey before midnight on the 29th May.
The Annual Report will be emailed to the people on the parish mailing list in the week prior to the Annual Meeting. A hard copy will be available to people at the Annual Meeting.
Ash Wednesday Service 9.30am
This is a said Eucharist which includes the imposition of ashes.