Palm Sunday, 5 April
9.00am Eucharist
This Eucharist includes the procession of palms and a reflective activity led by St Cuthbert’s Youth to prepare for Holy Week.
Maundy Thursday, 9 March
7.30pm, Eucharist and Footwashing
At this liturgy, we commemorate the gift of the Eucharist and wash one another’s feet. At the conclusion of the liturgy, the altar is stripped and we keep watch through the night.
The Watch
Thursday 9 March, 8.30pm - Friday 10 March 9.00am
In one-hour shifts through the night, we keep prayerful watch with Christ in the blessed sacrament.
Liturgy of the Cross - Good Friday
Friday 10 March, 9.00am
This solemn liturgy includes a number of ancient traditions. We pray the litany, and process and venerate the cross saying ‘Behold the wood of the cross on which the saviour of the world was hung’. We consume the body of Christ with whom we have kept watch through the night and leave in silence.
The Great Vigil of Easter
7.00pm, Saturday 11 April
This is the first Eucharist of Easter. We begin in the garden by lighting the new fire, then proceed into the church for the vigil readings by candlelight. Then the organ thunders and the church is lit as we begin to celebrate the resurrection.
Eucharist for Easter Day
9.00am, Sunday 12 April
This conventional Sunday service includes Holy Communion and Easter hymns. At this service, we often welcome many guests.